April 30, 2012

Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in Coaching Psychology

More good news on the way for scholars. As we have mentioned before, Coaching Psychology / Existential Coaching Psychology is having more presence in the Academic area. There is a big interest in promoting research and academic studies. Therefore many organizations and Universities are offering scholarships for students of Coaching Psychology Postgraduate degrees (Masters and Doctorates) and researchers. It began with scholarships specially offered to students from specific countries with the intention to support Academic Coaching Psychology in those countries; and now different organizations are also offering diverse scholarships for students working in Coaching Psychology Social Projects that would represent a contribution to society and working on Volunteering Projects. Other scholarships are to be awarded to students focusing their work on innovation and Research in Coaching Psychology.
Although scholarships are awarded for different reasons it seems the main is the same, to promote Academic Coaching Psychology, its application (that inherently contributes to the quality of life of the people that practice it as well as to their society) and its research.


  1. Wanted to know if all the certificate's courses are being held online?
    thank u

  2. Yes, all certificates can be achieved online.
    Please let us know if you need further info.


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