
What is Coaching?

Many definitions of Coaching have gone around the world specially thru the web.
Since the main of this space is to provide different material, to open the ideas and not to close them we have decided to offer some of them here instead of limiting the space to only one.
We would also like to invite you to share with us your own definition should you have a different one.

According to the OCM Coaching is: "A process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place"

For the International Coach Academy: "Coaching involves dialogue between a coach and a client with the aim of helping the client obtain a fulfilling life. This is achieved by helping the client establish what is important to them and by clarifying their values. With the client’s input the coach co-creates value based goals and a plan to achieve them. Through collaboration, the coach supports the client to achieve these goals."

The International Coach Federation Coaching defines Coaching as: "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."

A larger explanation is offered in Wikipedia where Coaching is defined as a teaching or training process in which an individual gets support while learning to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal.
Coaching may also happen in an informal relationship between one individual who has greater experience and expertise than another and offers advice and guidance, as the other goes through a learning process.
The structures, models and methodologies of coaching are numerous, and may be designed to facilitate learning new behavior for personal growth, or professional advancement. There are also forms of coaching that help the coachee improve a physical skill, like in a sport or performing art form.
Some coaches use a style in which they ask questions and offer opportunities that will challenge the coachee to find answers from within him/herself. This "socratic method" facilitates the learner to discover answers and new ways of being based on their values, preferences and unique perspective.
When coaching is aimed at facilitating psychological or emotional growth it should be differentiated from therapeutic and counseling disciplines, since a client of coaching, in most cases is considered healthy (i.e. not sick).
The purpose of the coaching is to help them move forward from their present situation.
Different coaching methods may be done with individuals or with groups, in person, over the phone or online.

As Coaching could be applied to specific areas for successful extraordinary goals achievement, the distinction for many “type” of Coaching have become popular. Some of them are: Life Coaching, Health Coaching, Coaching Psychology, Psychology Coaching, Existential Coaching, Career Coaching, Financial Coaching, Personal Coaching, Sport Coaching, Dating Coaching, Conflict Coaching, Victimization Coaching and more...

What is Coaching Psychology?

Let's start with the most popular definition used: "Coaching Psychology is for enhancing well-being and performance in personal life and work domains, underpinned by models of coaching grounded in established adult learning or psychological approaches," (adapted Grant and Palmer, 2002).

It can be argued that Coaching Psychology contains all the practices explained as coaching but from a psychological perspective and ensuring that the practices and methods used are proven and based on science. Coaching Psycholgy is a research based discipline.

What is Existential Coaching?
The existential coaching bases its focus on the surmise that life is an unsure enterprise and that the only prediction possible is that we will be confronted with unpredictable things along that way.

As humans, we all have the experience of facing and dealing with any number of uncertainties of life. These can be personal (ie, health issues, employment, or romance) or related work (for example, the eruption of an unanticipated conflict within your company, or between competing organizations or nations) and often contain elements of both. Whatever uncertainty may be, however, our experience of it causes a felt sense of discomfort or anxiety.

Coaching recognizes that existential anxiety is not necessarily "bad" or a problematic presence should be reduced or eliminated. The feeling of anxiety can be challenging, we can get in touch with our sense of being alive, and is the source of all creative ideas and original, and decision-making. On second thought, a life that was free of anxiety would be empty of meaning, excitement, curiosity and the need to move in itself.

However, when anxiety about the uncertainties experience of life becomes confusing, unmanageable or intolerable, you try to start paths designed to reduce or eliminate anxiety. Unfortunately, the most common forms they take may be problematic in themselves.

Usually, we rely on strategies that refuse to deal with the existence of anxiety you feel. Or try to transform our anxiety felt in other types of anxiety with which they may be more able to handle. Or is it likely to "fall apart" in our anxiety felt by either acting impulsively and irresponsibly or follow "plod" through life with the hope that eventually the anxiety will vanish sooner it will.

While it is a "given" that all human beings experience anxiety, just what the specific events that cause the highest degree of intolerable anxiety in each of us and how we respond to it is determined by our unique "form of being in the world "- our world view.

Existential Coaching argues that it is very useful to apply the general techniques and specific unique experience of life issues. Instead, the creation of a safe and reliable "living space" encourages customers to learn more accurately and honestly experience just what your worldview is, what it is to experience oneself and others through the vision the world, and how the current dilemmas, concerns and uncertainties that are occurring may be challenges, or the results of that very same world view.

More definitions are yet to come...
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